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INHABIT project

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Del_I1d4_Natural_anthropogenic_variability_Rivers Del_I1d4_Natural_anthropogenic_variability_Rivers

Filesize: 1.97 MB

INHABIT Deliverable I1d4 on Natural and anthropogenic variability in rivers

Del_I2d1_PhysicoChemHydroStudySites_NutrientAddition Del_I2d1_PhysicoChemHydroStudySites_NutrientAddition

Filesize: 760.75 kB

Caratterizzazione fisico-chimica e idromorfologica dei siti studiati - Physico-chemical and hydromorphological characterization of the study sites

Excerpt of INHABIT Final Report Excerpt of INHABIT Final Report

Filesize: 7.9 MB

An excerpt of INHABIT Final Report dedicated to technical results (In English).

I1d1- Aree di studio, siti e strategie, etc. FIUMI I1d1- Aree di studio, siti e strategie, etc. FIUMI

Filesize: 24.58 MB

INHABIT Deliverable I1d1 Aree di studio, siti e strategie di campionamento, difficoltà complessive e sintesi dei principali risultati. Parte A - Fiumi

I1d1- Aree di studio, siti e strategie, etc. LAGHI I1d1- Aree di studio, siti e strategie, etc. LAGHI

Filesize: 22.24 MB

INHABIT Deliverable I1d1 Aree di studio, siti e strategie di campionamento, difficoltà complessive e sintesi dei principali risultati. Parte B - Laghi

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