ARPA Piemonte

INHABIT project

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Home Consortium ARPA Piemonte

ARPA Piemonte

Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, Piedmont

Institution Profile
ARPA Piemonte, Regional Environmental Protection Agency, carries out support activities and technical-scientific advice and other useful activities for regional institutional authorities about environmental protection, control, prevention and forecast of natural risks.
An important Agency task is the promotion and development of basic and applied research on the physico-chemical and biological elements for the issues of pollution, risk assessment, proper use of natural resources and ecosystems protection. Moreover it is involved with ISPRA (National institute for the protection and environmental research) and others major environmental authorities and institutes in technical-scientific activities. ARPA actions aim to give a more complete knowledge about environmental status of natural resources, also in order to help the authorities in the political and management decisions and choices. Concerning the water component, ARPA manages regional monitoring networks of rivers, lakes and groundwater and produces chemical and biological data necessary both to evaluate waters status and to support regional authorities in the development of river basin management plans. The Agency is also involved in WFD implementation activities for Piedmont as far as typology, pressure analysis, risk assessment and regional monitoring networks improvement are concerned.  Beyond these activities ARPA has also prepared a methodological scheme for the selection of relevant chemical compounds to be included on chemical monitoring program.

Contact person at ARPA Piemonte

Elio Sesia


ARPA Piemonte

Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente del Piemonte
ARPA Piemonte - Struttura Qualità delle Acque
Piazza Alfieri, 33
14100 Asti Italy

Contact person
Elio Sesia
Phone: ++39 0141 390020