INHABIT project

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Home Download Software CARAVAGGIOsoft


Through CARAVAGGIOsoft it’s possible to archive data and to calculate synthetic indices for an applied use of the CARAVAGGIO method. Easy data storing is a key requirement for a method allowing the collection of hundreds of river features. It’s also important to correctly calculate the main available indices shortly after the field survey. For these reasons a dedicated software has been developed for data storing and indices calculation. About 1500 single features are recordable in every surveyed site.
CARAVAGGIOsoft is a relational database developed on MS Access. Input, management, analysis and output of data collected with CARAVAGGIO method are made possible through input-output interfaces.
A section of the database is dedicated to the routine for the automatic calculation of indicators, descriptive of the collected information (HQA Habitat Quality Assessment, HMS Habitat Modification Score, LUI Land Use Index, IQH Habitat Quality Index and LRD Lentic-lotic River Descriptor).
CARAVAGGIOsoft shares with original RHS software the technical and methodological approach. It introduces new options and functionalities, such as micro-scale characterization for river environment, indices calculation, introduction of river sketch-maps, export for data exchange and report production. Attention has been put to assure interfaces’ user friendliness. Input masks have been developed reproducing the structure of the filed form and scroll-down options are available in order to minimize misspelling mistakes.

On the basis of the version developed in the context of the STAR and Eurolimpacs EU projects, CARAVAGGIOsoft has been further implemented during the INHABIT project, in a collaboration with CNR-ITC. New data collected during the project and some relevant results of INHABIT led to refinements in the CARAVAGGIO method. This did provide the opportunity to update the software. Nonetheless, no dedicated funding was allocated for the development of the software, that is therefore a simple update of the previous version. This means that a new platform that could provide greater flexibility and inter-operability has not been developed. Also, although the CARAVAGGIOsoft has reached a more than satisfactory level of functionality, we must remember that its present version has not been subjected to systematic testing and may therefore result as non-compatible with some operating systems currently in use.

A concise guide to the use of the software v 2.0 and a more detailed description of the software in its previous version are available in Italian. You can download CARAVAGGIOsoft for free after registration.

Cite as: Buffagni A., Erba S., Demartini D. & Di Pasquale D., 2013. CARAVAGGIOsoft. Core Assessment of River hAbitat VAlue and hydromorpholoGIcal cOndition Database, Version 2.0. December 2013.

> Download CARAVAGGIOsoft here