Public reports and guidelines

INHABIT project

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Public reports and guidelines

Layman’s report
Layman's report offers a summary of INHABIT project in an accessible form. The document, is an Italian – English two language booklet, it is divided into 6 short paragraphs describing the environmental issues addressed, project objectives, study areas and experimental approach, key results, long term environmental benefits and the final goal achieved.

After LIFE Communication Plan

After LIFE Communication Plan presents, in an accessible form, possible uses of INHABIT results and future communication activities. It is a short document (in English), focusing on strategies for results dissemination adopted  during the project, and planned for the period following the conclusion of the project.

Excerpt of INHABIT Final Report
The document (in English) is an excerpt of the Final Report of the project dedicated to the technical aspects. Starting from the description of the action groups, the document provides details of the progress of activities and summarizes the obtained results.

CARAVAGGIO method for river habitats and local hydro-morphology

The CARAVAGGIO method has been used, within INHABIT project, for the survey of habitat characteristics in the investigated river reaches. In this section the following documents are available:

The Italian version of field form and application key are available at the Italian page.
Also, the Italian version of the Manual of the CARAVAGGIO method – Survey and description of river habitats is now available for download (paper version ISBN 9788897655008; e-book ISBN 9788897655022). (An English version of the Manual is in progress).

Other reports and INHABIT Deliverables

Deliverable I3d4 INHABIT project is here reported.  The Deliverable presents, as guidelines, 30 points containing some key concepts emerged from project activities. Each point is briefly developed as an operative indication to address a specific problem, as carried out in the project INHABIT for some of the covered topics.
Other deliverables INHABIT prepared as guidelines on specific topics are available in the Dissemination section.

I3d4: Guidelines on how and where the new set of measures should be adopted to aid the achievement of good ecological status by 2015 (English version)