Summary of expected results

INHABIT project

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Home The INHABIT project Summary of expected results

Summary of expected results

The actions described in the section ‘Action groups’ will lead to the following results (full list of results found in single actions description):

  • Review of approaches and methods used in Italy for the preparation of RBMPs.
  • Analysis of measures proposed in WFD catchment management plans in two or more relevant Italian areas.
  • Guidelines and field protocols updated to the best available techniques for WFD implementation.
  • Collection of data (hydro-morphological, physico-chemical and biological) to assess variability at natural and impacted sites.
  • Evaluation of the relationships between variability in hydro-morphological and physico-chemical conditions and aquatic community response.
  • Characterisation of physico-chemical, hydrological, habitat features and uptake length measurement of the study river reaches.
  • Evaluation of nutrients retention in relation to habitat quality, hydro-morphological features and biological communities in rivers.
  • Collation of long temporal series of nitrogen concentration in atmospheric deposition and lake and river water.
  • Evaluation of the effects of nitrogen pollution on lakes and rivers and suggestions for improvement of RBMPs.
  • Classification of study sites and catchements according to the most up to date WFD classification tools.
  • Evaluation of uncertainty in BQE metrics and EQRs calculation, including temporal and spatial variability.
  • Suggestions for improvement of RBMPs and Programmes of Measures as far as uncertainty in classification issues is concerned.
  • Organization of workshops to demonstrate results gained on classification items and update of RBMPs.
  • Evaluation of potential effects of uncertainty of classification due to local hydro-morphological and habitat variability on the proposed WFD RBMPs, for the study areas.
  • Dissemination of results via the web-site, deliverables, scientific and technical reports and organization of  a final conference.