Rivers – Databases

INHABIT project

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Rivers – Databases

Rivers – Databases

Deliverables I1d2 – Fiumi and I1d2 – Laghi present the structure and content of databases related to the main investigated biological element (i.e. macroinvertebrates).
Invertebrate data are stored in a dedicated software ‘AQEMdip – data input program’. Through AQEMdip macroinvertebrates taxalist can be input, archived and exported for analysis. AQEMdip was developed in the 2000s during projects EU-AQEM and EU-STAR. It is based on software MS Access and contains a series of improved input and export facilities. The software is available here for download. The available version is only compatible with OS WinXP (i.e. not compatible with more recent MS OSs).
Activities undertaken in this phase has led to the identification of a total number of 138030 macroinvertebrates specimens in Sardinia and 106719 in Piedmont.

In the download area it is possible to sign up and download some of the archived data related to benthic macroinvertebrates. Please see the download section for a description of the available material.

Rivers – Database on habitat and local hydromorphological information

Deliverables I1d3 – Fiumi e I1d3 – Laghi aim at describing hydromorphology and habitat features database with a brief presentation of archived data. The database contains information collected during INHABIT field campaigns by means of CARAVAGGIO method, evolution of the British River Habitat Survey specifically dedicated to Mediterranean rivers. Data have been archived in the dedicated CARAVAGGIOsoft, developed at CNR-IRSA based on RHS input program developed by CEH. CARAVAGGIOsoft is described here and is available here for download.