Activities - Rivers – Habitat and local hydromorphology information

INHABIT project

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Home Photogallery Activities Rivers – Habitat and local hydromorphology information
Activities - Rivers – Habitat and local hydromorphology information

Some of the features recorded with the CARAVAGGIO method in selected river reaches.

Mortorinci Reference, Sardegna (OG) - General view, bars and bank slope and landuse visible
Mortorinci Reference, Sardegna (OG) - View of land use (Mediterranean macchia)
Mortorinci Reference, Sardegna (OG) - Bank material (bedrock)
Mortorinci Reference, Sardegna (OG) -Bank feature - eroding bank toe with exopsed bankside roots
Mortorinci Reference, Sardegna (OG) -  Main channel - substrate (gravel / pebble) and flow type (predominantly unbroken waves)
Mortorinci Reference, Sardegna (OG) - Part of secondary channel covered with macrophytes
Porceddu, Sardegna (CA) - Field form at the start of the survey (start of survey photo sequence)
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