Other areas - Veneto - BSL - HMWB

INHABIT project

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Home Photogallery Other areas Veneto - BSL - HMWB
Other areas - Veneto - BSL - HMWB

Examples of Heavily Modified Water Bodies in plain area: main morphological alterations, land use context, restoration actions and potential control sites.

Esempi di Corpi Idrici Fortemente Modificati (HMWB) di pianura: alterazioni morfologiche prevalenti, contesto territoriale e destinazione d'uso, interventi di recupero e possibili siti di controllo.

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Naviglio Brenta (Veneto HER 06, loc. Malcontenta prov. VE) - HMWB used for navigation (NV type-use)
Minor tributary to Fiume Tergola (Veneto HER 06, Mira prov. VE) - Management activities: partial re-establishment of riparian vegetation.
Fiume Zero (Veneto HER 06, loc. Le Crete prov. VE) - Management activities: creation of a wetland for phyto-depuration
Scolo Acqualunga (Veneto HER 06, loc. Brunato prov. PD) - Natural lowland spring area near the main river
Fiume Monticano (Veneto HER 06, loc. Ramera prov. TV) - Possible control site for lowland HMWB: partially set back embankments and vegetated floodplain
Fiume Reghena (Veneto HER 06, Portogruaro prov. VE) - Possible control site for lowland HMWB: partially set back embankments and vegetated floodplain
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