Rivers – Synthesis of results of international workshops activities

INHABIT project

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Home Themes & Results Other regions (D2) International workshops

Rivers – Synthesis of results of international workshops activities

Together with national workshops, three international workshops were organized, in Vienna (A), Barcelona (ES) and Nicosia (CY), the last two with emphasis on the Mediterranean environment and its open WFD issues. The main objective of the international workshops was to exchange information on approaches related to the evaluation of habitat/biota relationships and to disseminate INHABIT results and approaches. This was done in order to assess comparability of INHABIT methodologies and outcomes with analogous activities and results in other EU countries and to promote the application of INHABIT approaches in such countries.
The first international workshop was held in Barcelona (ES) on October, 17th 2012 at Barcelona University; the second was held in Vienna (AT) at Lebensministerium (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management) on February, 15th 2013 and the third in Nicosia (CY) on February, 28th 2013 at WDD - Water Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Republic of Cyprus.
Issues covered during the three international workshops are summarized in Deliverable D2d2 that includes a synthesis of the presented talks, plus some extra inputs providing a framework on more general issues emerged during INHABIT project, not directly related to international workshops.