Nutrient ritention in river ecosystems

CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT

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Home CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT Nutrient ritention in river ecosystems

Nutrient ritention in river ecosystems

The processes responsible of the storage, the transformation and the removal of nutrients indicated as whole as “nutrient retention”, represent a crucial aspect of the aquatic ecosystem function able to influence the biogeochemical cycles. Within the ecosystems, some zones (hot spots) and some short periods (hot spots), exhybit disproportionately high reaction rates relative to the surrounding matrix and to longer intervening time periods. These functional units occur at every scale from the microhabitat in the stream reach to the river network of a river catchment.  The hydrology, the morphology and the antropic ativicties are the more important environmental factors regulating the nutrient retention at different scales. The identification of the functional units, the quantification of the nutrient retention processes, the recognition of the limiting factors are crucial to develop the management strategies for the protection of the aquatic ecosystems.