Soil solution

CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT

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Soil solution

In the study area in Val Masino (LOM1) we collect the soil solution and the percolating water from litterfall. The soil solution is the water in the not saturated zone of the soil deriving from the infiltration of rain or from the river dispersion. Soil solution is collected using tension lysimeters, ceramic cups (P80, Staatliche Portzellanmanufaktor),with pore size of 1 lm, length of 60 mm and diameter of 20 mm, installed at three different depth in the soil: in the root zone (15 cm depth), in the intermediate zone (30-40 cm depth) and below the rooting zone (60-70 cm).
The water litterfall samplers are formed by a pierced concave metal foil connected via a tube to the collection bottle. In proximity of the hole a small grid is placed to prevent coarse material to be collected. The collection bottle is equipped with a cap with two Teflon tubes: one is connected to the sampler, the other is left open for air vent. The sampler is inserted immediately below the layer of litter, while the collection bottle was placed downstream of the sampler to facilitate water flowing.

The chemical analysis of the soil solution and the water from litterfall allows i) to evaluate  the nutrient bioavailability, ii) the presence of toxic substances as aluminium, and iii) to estimate the input-output balance.