Habitat and hydromorphology

CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT

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Habitat and hydromorphology

Habitat local hydro-morphological data, collected with the CARAVAGGIO method in the investigated river reaches, are archived in the CARAVAGGIOsoft database, specifically dedicated to data storage and management. The CARAVAGGIOsoft was developed from a database originally devised by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK) for the British River Habitat Survey, the method that CARAVAGGIO is derived from. Habitat and local hydromorphological data are available for at least 400 different river stretches localized in many different Italian regions (Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Alto-Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Campania, Puglia and Sardinia). Data are also available for some European regions (Corsica, Cyprus). For each river reach more than 1000 single information are recorded at different spatial scales relatively to bank, channel and floodplain in accordance to what detailed described in the CARAVAGGIO manual.
CARAVAGGIOsoft has its own page within the main INHABIT website; further description is there available. On the same web page the software is available for download.
More information is available in the Notiziario IRSA Dicembre 2006 (in Italian) where the CARAVAGGIOsoft, although in its original version, is more fully described.