MacrOper System

CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT

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Home Events Courses MacrOper System

MacrOper System

The following steps, directly derived from regulation constraints (2000/60/EC), are needed for the practical application of the MacrOper system:

  • Attribution of the river type / Water body identification.
  • Site Selection and the definition of reference values.
  • Type / purpose of monitoring.
  • Sampling mesohabitat and related technical verifications.
  • Areas selection, sampling and sorting.
  • Taxa list and identification.
  • Calculation of metrics, indices and EQR.
  • Comparison with the class boundaries for the investigated river type <> classification.
  • Interpretation of results.

The courses on MacrOper system are intended to provide input and clarification related to the above points, in order to offer the operators adequate tools for a correct classification. To facilitate the procedure for the  application of new classification methods, CNR-IRSA, with the collaboration of the University of Tuscia, has realized dedicated tools to support the definition of the ecological status (e.g. calculation software as MacrOper.ICM). This has been a side activity to the research projects, undertaken with no specific funding.
The correct application of the Italian Decree DM 260/2010 and use of the related CNR-IRSA tools requires specific training, that can be acquired by participating in short courses. 

Such courses, 1-2 days overall, will include a final examination for obtaining the MacrOper.ICM software. The courses will be organized when a minimum number of participants will be achieved’.

Courses on the MacrOper classification system are planned to be held on a six months basis, from September 2014. Information on the courses will be regularly updated in this section of the website.