Rivers typology

CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT

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Rivers typology

Level 2 – Typology definition (mandatory)

Level 2 typology must assure the definition of a typology that includes all water streams in Italy considering the same set of criteria. The aim is to obtain a list of types – considered as a further development of HER regionalization – that can be identified on the basis of a few simple abiotic descriptors. These descriptors make the typological approach widely applicable on a large scale. It’s worth noting that such selected criteria must be as possible not dependent from anthropic alterations. For instance where the channel morphology will be considered this should be defined on stream reaches not channelized, heavily resectioned or subject to water abstraction, where such criterion will result as not applicable.
At the moment selected criteria for level 2 typization are:

  • water permanence and persistence
  • stream origin
  • distance from source (stream size indicator)
  • channel morphology
  • possible influence of upstream catchment on water body

Rivers typology

Fig. 2. Scheme of the Italian typological system to derive river types sensu WFD, System B – 21 dec06 (from Buffagni, 2006).

Main publications (in italian)
Buffagni A., Munafò M., Tornatore F., Bonamini I., Didomenicantonio A., Mancini L., Martinelli A., Scanu G. & Sollazzo C. 2006. Elementi di base per la definizione di una tipologia per i fiumi italiani in applicazione della Direttiva 2000/60/EC. Notiziario dei Metodi Analitici  IRSA-CNR 2006 (1): 2-19.