MacrOper.ICM software

CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT

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MacrOper.ICM software


- Easy and automatic computation of metrics based on river macroinvertebrates
- Water bodies classification for all Italian river types according to benthic macroinvertebrates, for the purpose of the WFD

> Additional information

DownloadDownload and install MacrOper.ICM
N.B. Please sign up at the download area to download the software.

Not all registered users can access the credentials to download the software. In particular, at the end of the registration process you will receive:

  1. if you are a public body employee, a confirmation email with details of 'user' and 'password' to be used for downloading the software. The registration system will automatically recognize your email address as belonging to a public body on the basis of its domain. Any domains that may not be recognized can be reported at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ;
  2. if you are not a public body employee, an email communicating that you are, at present, not authorized to download the software. The email also describes the possible ways to gain access, after verification of the requirements, to the credentials for download.

Release note
MacrOper.ICM Version 1.0.5 is online.

©2011 Buffagni A. & C. Belfiore