Piedmont - Rivers, Piedmont HER01 – overview

INHABIT project

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Home Photogallery Piedmont HER01 Rivers, Piedmont HER01 – overview
Piedmont - Rivers, Piedmont HER01 – overview

The photos in this section provide an overview of the environmental conditions of the region/hydroecoregion with regard to the main environmental characteristics of water bodies and include general views of the river stretches investigated.

Le foto di  questa sezione forniscono un quadro generale delle condizioni ambientali della regione/idroecoregione e includono vedute generali dei tratti fluviali investigati nel corso del progetto.

Campiglia (Piemonte - TO) - General view of river reach and surrounding valley in winter season.
Rio Pogallo (Piemonte - VB) - River reach flowing through a gorge, predominantly bedrock substrate.
Tesso (Piemonte - TO) - River reach flowing through a broadleave forest, summer season.
Savenca SDOP (Piemonte - TO) - Examples of river bank alterations: resectioned bank on the left hand side of the picture (i.e. right hand side of the river) and reinforced bank on the right hand side of the picture (i.e. left hand side of the river)
Viona SDOP (Piemonte - BI) - River reach in urban context with bank alterations (both reinforced).
Loana (Piemonte - VB) - Small village along the river.
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