Sardinia - Rivers, Sardinia - overview

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Home Photogallery Sardinia Rivers, Sardinia - overview
Sardinia - Rivers, Sardinia - overview

The photos in this section provide an overview of the environmental conditions of the region/hydroecoregion and include general views of the investigated water bodies.

Le foto di  questa sezione forniscono un quadro generale delle condizioni ambientali della regione/idroecoregione e includono vedute generali dei tratti fluviali e dell’area di studio investigati nel corso del progetto.

Rio Capriolu (Sardegna - OT) - Example of water body in farming and pasture area.
Sardegna (OT) - Panoramic view of water body in natural area.
Rio Pelau (Sardegna - OG) - Example of braided channel.
View of the valley side close to Rio Lorana (Sardegna - NU)
Overview of area surrounding E Gurue river (Sardegna - OG) (picture 1).
Overview of area surrounding E Gurue river (Sardegna - OG) (picture 2).
Foddeddu (Sardegna - OG) - Example of erosion process under a culvert.
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