Rivers – Additional non-INHABIT sampling stations considered

INHABIT project

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Home Themes & Results Other regions (D2) Additional extra INHABIT data

Rivers – Additional non-INHABIT sampling stations considered

As stated in the project proposal, D2 activity has considered the possibility of transferring INHABIT project results obtained on newly collected data on dedicated areas to other areas, external to the project. Moreover, the demonstration actions have considered several data sets from Italian regions, already available at CNR-IRSA. Data and information from such sets were included in INHABIT and made available for the aims of other group of actions. The availability of broad sets of data (accounting for some extra 400 samples) has allowed the achievement of activities such as biological validation of river types and assessment of classification uncertainty. In the following table the amount of data collected and used for rivers analyses with indication on considered extra INHABIT data is presented.

NP = Not Planned in the proposal; NA = Not Available; HER: Hydro-Ecoregion.

    HER Italian official WFD river type River stretches investigated # HABITAT characteristics (transects) # benthic samples
(used for WFD classification)
# benthic samples (from individual micro-habitat) # samples for water quality analyses # river stretches for nutrients experiment addition # nutrients addition samples
INHABIT (newly
collected data)
Sardinia 21 IN, EF, SS, SR 48 480 88 880 48 23 621
Piedmont 1 SS2 9 160 30 300 18 NP NP
Piedmont 6 SS2 8 150 24 240 16 6 390
Lombardy 6 SS2 1 20 4 40 1 2 93
Tot INHABIT 66 810 146 1460 83 31 1104
Extra data
(from existing
Sardinia 21 IN, EF, SS 30 370 72 720 36 NA NA
Piedmont 1 SS2 33 NA 137 NA 137 NA NA
Piedmont 6 SS2 17 NA 59 NA 59 NA NA
Piedmont 4 SS1, SS2, SS3 5 NA 28 NA 28 NA NA
Piedmont 5 SS2, SS3 2 NA 5 NA 5 NA NA
Piedmont 8 SS1, SS2, SS3, SS4 8 NA 46 NA 46 NA NA
Piedmont 10 SS1, SS2, SS3 7 NA 29 NA 29 NA NA
Alto Adige 3 03SS2 21 100 40 NA 40 NA NA
Tot Extra 123 470 416 720 380 0 0
 GRAND TOT 189 1280 562 2180 463 31 1104

Extra data from existing datasets were used for: