Demonstration actions in regions not directly covered by the project (D2)

INHABIT project

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Demonstration actions in regions not directly covered by the project (D2)

This action group deals with a pilot application of global approaches developed within the project to other sample river basins in regions not directly included in the field study areas. With this action water authorities directly dealing with the definition of RBMPs will be involved (e.g. Bolzano Province). A possible contribution in data supply will be required from these authorities. Attention will be paid so that data provided can cover the whole quality gradient, surely including a selection of reference sites and possibly covering different types of anthropic pressures. Moreover, data available at CNR will be included in the demonstration actions in order to upscale the results obtained in the two regions directly involved in this project proposal. Presently, CNR database comprises data from more than 400 river sites (Italy and Europe) and from two different sources of lakes data. One database that collects an high number of lakes (300) but with no long time series and another that collects a little number of lakes (10) but that includes biological, chemical, physical and idro-meteorological data for long time periods. Such databases will be a good basis for extracting information relevant for the project. As well, the implementation of such approaches will support an effective dissemination of main results of the project, especially those linked to classification issues and potential enhancement of RBMP measures. This action group will base on results from action groups P, I1, I2, D1 and, partly, I3. The principle at the basis of this action is to offer other stakeholders the possibility of using the instruments applied during the project. With these instruments, the same results as those gained by the stakeholders directly involved can be obtained for other areas.
The items we intend to transfer are especially related to the following topics:

  • methods for collecting and analyzing biological communities;
  • methods for characterizing hydro-morphological and habitat features including selected aspects of basin scale hydromorphological assessment;
  • relationships between biological communities and environmental features, based on practical adjustment to real circumstances;
  • influence of such relationships in ecological status classification;
  • prioritisation of key elements use when assessing ecological status of water bodies;

Initial suggestions for the revision of RBMPs and monitoring programme will be also provided, in order to help harmonizing WFD implementation results at a National level and in relation to action groups I1, I2 and D1.
In the final part of the project, the results of the D1 and I3 action groups will be presented to various Authorities responsible for or involved in RBMPs implementation at the level of region, province and municipality, in order to identify possible improvements to individual plans, Programmes of Measures and to local restoration plans.
Suggestion for the revision of the RBMPs will take into account of the role of the different subjects in RBMPs definition, directly involving the Po basin authority. In particular, it will be evaluated how and where the results gained from the project can be more efficiently applied in the Po basin.

A list of Insitutions, which provided a letter of expression of interest for the results gained from the project, is provided as Annex 24. Annexes 1 to 23 are the letters of expression of interest from different institutions.

Methods employed
A dedicated workshop, addressed to Italian water authorities, will be organized in order to present results from group of actions I1, I2 and D1. The coordinating beneficiary and the associated beneficiary Number 2, will lead the workshop. The experience gained in the areas investigated will be presented in due detail. The results, that are most relevant for water management, will be emphasized by people directly involved in water basin planning activities. The outcomes of the workshop will be jointly analysed by project beneficiaries and used to refine the succeeding work in this and in I3 action groups. A complete revision of the Plan will not be possible within the framework of the project and is beyond the declared aims. On the contrary, the project focuses on the interpretation of local scale information (up to now this phase was totally missing in Italy in WFD perspective) so that the appropriateness of large scale measures can be assessed and integration suggested at different scales. Therefore, whilst the catchment scale is highly relevant (as it always has to be for River Basin Management Plans) in general terms, one of the essential ideas of the project is to improve the comprehension of biota reaction to local (habitat to reach) scale factors. Infact, we have to keep in mind that, the WFD on one side requires the catchment scale perspective when planning mid- and long-term actions, and on the other adopts Biological Quality Elements which mostly react to a shorter time scale and on a small (local) spatial scale. It seems crucial to look for the missing, mid-scale interpretation.
Close to the end of the project, a second dedicated workshop i.e. in another geographical context, addressed to Italian water authorities, will be organized in order to present final results from group of actions I1, I2, I3 and D1, so that their transferability and/or overall suitability can be preliminarily assessed together with as many stakeholders as possible.
One of the two workshops will be possibly organized in co-operation with Po basin authority and the outcomes of this workshop possibly included in a Report prepared in close collaboration with the Po basin authority.
Within this Group of action, in addition to the two above mentioned workshops, smaller scale meetings will be organized. When these meetings will be organized, all the actors can find the opportunity to present their point of view, submit data and information and discuss the results. It seems this would be highly appreciated e.g. in Alto Adige, Lombardia, Veneto, Piemonte and Puglia. In Sardinia as well, but Regione Sardegna is present as a beneficiary partner and will lead a meticulous discussion of project outcomes there. This would lead to an addition of circa six regional scale workshops. Obviously, the competent river authority will always be involved.

Obtained results

  • Rivers – Additional non-INHABIT sampling stations considered
    In this section the role of additional sites from areas external to INHABIT project in the improvement of some INHABIT activities is explained.
  • Rivers – Synthesis of results of national workshops activities
    The core of D2 action group is linked to the organization of workshops and meetings dedicated to dissemination, application and discussion of results gained in other action groups. Meetings have been held at both national and international level. Two project Deliverables D2d1 and D2d2 are dedicated to the presentation of the discussed topics related, respectively, to national and international meetings.
  • Rivers – Synthesis of results of international workshops activities
    The core of D2 action group is linked to the organization of workshops and meetings dedicated to dissemination, application and discussion of results gained in other action groups. Meetings have been held at both national and international level. Two project Deliverables D2d1 and D2d2 are dedicated to the presentation of the discussed topics related, respectively, to national and international meetings.
  • Proposal for good ecological potential (GEP) definition in heavily modified water bodies (HMWBs) in plain area
    An important activity carried out on geographic areas not directly investigated in INHABIT project was undertaken  in the watershed of the Venice Lagoon through a dedicated agreement, parallel to the project. The performed activity has investigated some aspects of the so-called 'heavily modified water bodies'. For such water bodies, characterized by extensively altered ecosystems, the importance of habitats is described,  both in terms of physical characteristics and spatial scale, also for the definition of macrobenthic biocoenosis quality.
  • Rivers – Habitat-biota relationships in Mediterranean rivers: the experience of INHABIT approach in Republic of Cyprus
  • Lakes – results D2
    This set of actions has been developed differently in different regions, according to the specific needs of the application or development. The approaches developed within the INHABIT project were shared with stakeholders (Environment Agencies, Land Managers, Public Managers etc.), for different applications and for specific management issues in order to extend the applicability of methods and approaches and to use INHABIT project results in order to improve River Plans and management activities.

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