Results of D2 group of actions for lakes

INHABIT project

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Home Themes & Results Other regions (D2) Lakes results - Group of actions D2

Results of D2 group of actions for lakes

Lakes - National Workshops

The lake team of INHABIT participated and took part in the organization of the national project workshops in Cagliari (deliverable D2d1) and Rome (deliverable D2d2).
The team also organized and/or participated in dedicated  meetings and workshops in other areas, where the actions carried out within the project, the considered approach, the results achieved and possible developments were disseminated: National Congresses of the Italian Society of Ecology and the Italian Society of Limnology and Oceanography, specific meetings with stakeholders such as IREN (reservoir manager) in Genoa and ARPA Emilia Romagna (Environment Agency) in Bologna.

Lakes - Lectures and seminars

As part of the activities planned for the dissemination of the results we also held specific lessons regarding the approaches used in the project and their possible applications to different lake, considering their implications in sustainable management.
In particular, lectures and seminars were held in:

  • University of Insubria - Department of Science and High Technology , Graduate School of Exact Sciences and High Technology – Implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) through the use of benthic macroinvertebrates, the role of project INHABIT (November 3, 2010 , November 9, 2011 , March 21, 2012)
  • University of Sassari - Department of Science and Nature, Land – The activities carried out under the Project Life + INHABIT (08/ENV/IT/000413) and their contribution to the knowledge of the ecological quality of lakes (10 December 2012)
  • University of Milan – 9th meeting of graduate students in ecology and environmental sciences - Round Table "From knowledge to application and return : the link between ecological research, management and environmental policies." The project INHABIT (17 April 2013)
  • University of Alexandria, DISIT - University of Eastern Piedmont – The classification of the ecological status of the lake environments. INHABIT project (21 May 2013)

Lakes - International Meeting

The activities carried out within the project INHABIT were also used for the implementation of a second CEN standard (European Committee for Standardization ) on lake shore hydromorphology: "Guidance Standard on Determining the degree of modification of lake hydromorphology ". Researchers of the CNR Institute for Ecosystem Study participated to the CEN group of TC 230/WG 2/TG 5.
In particular, the joint collection of information through the Lake Habitat Survey ( LHS ), included into the first standard : "Guidance on Assessing the standard hydromorphological features of lakes " (EN 16039), and of biological information contributed significantly to the definition of the class boundaries.
Within various meetings of the working group (Verbania 24-25 February 2010, Mainz 26 to 27 January 2011, Peterborough 28-29 February 2012 and 15-16 November 2012, Aix -en- Provence: 6-7 June 2013), we proposed the inclusion of the InHabit approaches, progress and results, in order to lead to a better understanding of the peculiarities of the Italian lakes at European level and to better define class boundaries and to clarify potentiality and limitations of the LHS.
Additional information on INHABIT meetings and workshops can be found here.