Attività - Rivers – Nutrient addition

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Home Photogallery Attività Rivers – Nutrient addition
Attività - Rivers – Nutrient addition

Images showing nutrient addition experiment field activities.

General scheme of nutrient addition
Solution tank and peristaltic pump in action (Torrente Curone, Lombardia - LC)
Piezometers placed along the stream for characterization of subsurface water dynamics (Fiume Olobbia, Piemonte - BI)
Piezometers placed along the stream (Rio Corr\'e Pruna, Sardegna - CA)
Measure of morphometric variables (Fiume Guarabione, Piemonte - VC)
Syringes for water sampling and filtration along the river reach (Cialdeniddu, Sardegna - OT)Cialdeniddu, Sardegna - OT)
Preparation at addition starting point (Fiume Guarabione, Piemonte - VC)
Nutrients and tracer solution in preparation (Fiume Guarabione, Piemonte - VC)
Solution tank before the start of the experiment (Fiume Guarabione, Piemonte - VC)
Moments before the start of the additon (Fiume Strego, Piemonte - NO)
Waiting for the start (Fiume Strego, Piemonte - NO)
Conducimeter placed at the downstream end (Fiume Guarabione, Piemonte - VC)
Details of conducimeter (Fiume Guarabione, Piemonte - VC)
Peristaltic pump in action (Fiume Strego, Piemonte - NO)
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