Attività - Microhabitat

INHABIT project

  • Aumenta dimensione caratteri
  • Dimensione caratteri predefinita
  • Diminuisci dimensione caratteri
Attività - Microhabitat

Details available here

Dettagli disponibili qui

Rivers - Macroinvertebrates samplingRivers - Macroinvertebrates sampling 
Channel portion uniformly covered with \'sand - SAB\' (Cialdeniddu, Sardegna - OT)
Channel section with predominant \'sand - SAB\' cover (Viona, Piemonte - BI)
Distinct portions of the channel covered with mineral substrates: \'microlithal - MIC\' along the bank and \'sand - SAB\' in the center (Baldu valle culvert, Sardegna - OT)
Channel with mixed mineral substrate cover: \'akal - GHI\' and \'microlithal - MIC\' (Flumineddu, Sardegna - NU)
Detail of \'mesolithal - MES\' and \'microlithal - MIC\', with submerged macrophytes (Baldu valle culvert, Sardegna - OT)
Channel section with predominant \'macrolithal - MAC\' cover (Terra Mala Reference, Sardegna - OT)
\'Megalithal - MGL\' microhabitat in turbulent flow (Campiglia, Piemonte - TO)
\'Megalithal - MGL\' microhabitat in turbulent flow (Flumineddu, Sardegna - NU)
Wide area of the channel covered with \'submerged macrophytes - SO\'. Mixed mineral substrate (akal, microlithal and mesolithal) (Baldu valle culvert, Sardegna - OT)
Bank adjacent portion covered with \'FPOM - FP\' and \'emergent macrophytes - EM\'  (Baldu valle culvert, Sardegna - OT)
Mineral substrate \'macrolithal - MAC\' covered with \'CPOM - CP\' (Safaa, Sardegna - OT)
\'Living part of terrestrial plants - TP\' (Baldu valle culvert, Sardegna - OT)
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